Yukon Career Paths Blog

Let's visit: A Yukon infectious disease nurse

Let's visit a part of the Yukon's healthcare system which is extremely important in preventing outbreaks of many kinds. Yukon Communicable Disease Control (YCDC) provides testing, screening and resources for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other communicable diseases. The Government of Yukon service under the Department of Health and Social Services works with healthcare and community partners throughout the Yukon including the Yukon Hospital Corporation the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Blood Ties Four Directions.

Let's visit a person who works in this role in Whitehorse! Here are Jessica's answers to a few questions about her work at YCDC.

person standing by a patient bed

Can you tell us about your workplace? What is YCDC?

We perform a bunch of different functions. That includes Hepatitis C testing and treatment, HIV testing and treatment, screening for new people to Canada as it relates to TB and more. We also offer emergency birth control and a full sexual health testing program.

Anyone who wants to get tested, for any reason at all, whether they have symptoms or whether they just want to confirm their sexual health, they can either book appointments every morning or drop in in the afternoon.


Are there any, things that you find yourself telling people often, or myths that are out there?

I think some people think that to visit us you must have an issue already. What I like to encourage people to do is just to normalize screening and coming in as part of their normal health routine.

What do you do in a typical day?

In the morning, it would be coordinating hepatitis care. And then in the afternoon it would be typically working at the drop-in clinic with the STI program.

waiting room


What makes for a good day at work?

I really like the people that work here. We have a really nice mix of people who have worked here a long time who are like the knowledge keepers. They know the programs really intimately and they've really been great coaches for newer staff. And then we have newer staff who are coming in with newer approaches to things. You can kind of get that marriage between the old and the new. I like that.

It's more relaxed. We kind of encourage a relaxed vibe I would say. I think that clients that come in really pick up on that. Often they are quite surprised by how enjoyable their experience is.

How did you come to work in this type of nursing?

I grew up in Whitehorse. And then I went out of territory for nursing training. I always had more of an interest in public health. It kind of opened up and I jumped on it and I've really never looked back! 



What advice do you have for somebody, considering a career in Yukon healthcare?

I think this is a great place. There's a broad range of opportunities here for working in health care. You have various departments within the hospital in more acute settings, and then you have your multiple continuing-care complexes and public health, and you also have the option to go out to communities. So there's a real diversity.

And I think people come here for the lifestyle as well. It's a really nice place to live. It's a nice place to raise a family. I've seen many people leave and then come back within the same year. I just think that…it's hard to beat!