What we offer

Health and wellbeing

Yukon living offers ready access to natural beauty and a pace of life that helps promote growth. The Yukon government also offers services to employees to help foster and nurture wellbeing and some additional help with life's challenges.

Employee Family Assistance Program

As an eligible government employee, you and your family will have access to immediate and confidential assistance at no cost through our Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP). Up to 7 assessment and counselling visits are available each year.

Whether you want to address personal, family or work related concerns, we can help you take the steps that lead to meaningful change.

Counselling services are available in person, over the phone and by video conference.


LifeSpeak is a digital wellness platform which gives you and your family members instant access to expert advice on all kinds of topics that matter to you. From physical and mental health to relationships and finance to professional development to parenting and eldercare … it's all here. You can watch videos, download action plans, and interact with world-class experts in real time.

LifeSpeak is available anywhere and anytime, and is 100% confidential. You'll find what you need to know so you can do what you want to do.

LifeSpeak is an entirely unique, bilingual digital platform that gives employees and their family members around-the-clock access to North America’s leading experts in mental and physical health, financial health, family relationships, human resources and professional skills development.

The remotely hosted streaming video platform includes customized engagement tools designed to promote usage, making the platform both easy to launch and easy for employees to use.