Community profile

Burwash Landing

Burwash Landing is situated on the Traditional Territory of the Kluane First Nation.

Burwash Landing has the beautiful Kluane Lake on one side, and the treasured Kluane National Park and Reserve on the other. 
For centuries, the First Nations people of the area used this prime spot on this bountiful lake as a summer camp. A trading post sprang up at the site in the early 1900s, and decades later the Alaska Highway was built through Burwash Landing. 
The community has a gas station, post office, community hall, laundromat, as well as several other attractions. The Kluane Museum of Natural History has wildlife exhibits and displays of Kluane First Nation clothing and artifacts. 

Quick facts

Population: 99

Distance to Whitehorse: 285 kilometres

Did you know? In this town you can also glimpse the world's largest gold pan, measuring 6.5 metres in diameter.