Community profile

Ross River

Ross River is situated on the Traditional Territory of the Ross River Dena Council.

Situated at the confluence of the Ross and Pelly Rivers, Ross River is a remote community within a region well known for its hunting and fishing resources.

The community includes various amenties including gas, grocery, K-12 school and a health centre. The surrounding region includes specatcular wilderness and the town is the last stop for travellers journeying up the rugged North Canol Road to the Mackenzie mountains.

Paddlers can enjoy the trip of a lifetime on the Pelly River that flows past Ross River. For adventurers prepared for some serious backcountry on foot, the Dena Cho Trail is a 67-kilometre hike that connects Ross River to the community of Faro. 

Quick facts

Population: 404

Distance to Whitehorse: 360 kilometres

Did you know? Fossil footprints found near Ross River led to the discovery of four types of prehistoric animals that resided in the area 85 million years ago.