In a small Yukon community, people know each other. This is true of healthcare staff who recognize their patients and build a rapport.
"Here I love knowing my patients," says Laura who works as a primary health care nurse in Haines Junction. "We know pretty much everybody in the community who comes through our door. People also recognize you in the community. You can see someone you treated later and ask: How is your blood pressure doing? How is your leg? And people are happy to connect that way." Let's meet Laura and learn more about her role.
Can you tell us about your work? What do you do here?
I’m a primary care nurse in Haines Junction. The health centre here is bigger than most communities. We have an exam room, a two-bed trauma bay we have a telehealth room and more. As a primary care nurse we are responsible for primary response. The most serious thing we might see would be a multi-trauma incident such as a collision on the highway. We also respond to someone’s house if they have a stroke or heart attack or other medical issue.
What makes for a good day at work?
I really like the days where I feel like I actually helped someone. That could be something major, like a physical trauma or mental trauma you’ve helped them through, or something smaller like helping people navigate the system. Some people don’t know where to start to get the medication they need. Helping them navigate this, helping them change their life is super satisfying. I like helping people!”
How did you come to work here?
Nursing is a second career for me. I started in a hospital setting but I got frustrated working within a hospital setting. There just wasn’t any time to connect with patients. Here I love knowing my patients. We know pretty much everybody in the community who comes through our door. People recognize you in the community. You can see someone you treated later and ask: How is your blood pressure doing? How is your leg? And people are happy to connect that way. I started here as a community health nurse and got the bug for acute care. I have made my home here now. We own property and I have been here for almost 6 years now.
How did people make you feel welcome when you started?
When I started, people were very open to having me be part of the team. There was no “hey you are new, we’re not going to talk to you.” It’s all about working together as a community. In Haines Junction we often have bakery days, coffee days and team-building. We are used to having people come through pretty often but it someone is new they are made to feel welcome.
What do you outside of work, to recharge or relax?
Haines Junction is a beautiful place. We have the bike race (Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay) we have hiking. Haines Junction is at the foot of Mount Logan and Kluane National Park. When you see that right there you want to take part.
What advice would you tell someone considering a career in Yukon healthcare?
If you like the outdoors and adventure and working to the full extent of your scope this is a great place to come do that. There’s a lot of freedom and decision making and it’s a great place to work. Especially in Haines Junction but elsewhere too. The role is really exciting and you get to stretch your knowledge base and work to the full scope of your practice. I think the idea of practicing in in their full scope and critical thinking is something that appeals to people. Before (when I worked in a hospital setting) there wasn’t much time for care. Here you have that time. You can be hands-on. You know your patients and you can help people in a more meaningful way.”